The Scanner

Instant Quality assessment

Information about how the quality values of the weld varies along the inspection, min, max, mean values and much much more.

Access to data
This enables other personnel to access the data directly after the inspection and even meanwhile the operator or operators are performing the inspections.

High Flexibility
With 3G or 4G modem the system can be operated without any WiFi network present

Patented solution
Winteria has patented a solution based on image processing technology.

Quality Standard
For every customer Winteria always implements the customer specific weld quality standard if requested.
The ISO 5817 is the default standard implemented which always is included.

Customized Analysis
Winteria makes sure that the system works for every customer application.
By having a close and continous collaboration Winteria helps their customers to configure and use the system in an optimal way and when the system fails to inspect and analyse a particular object Winteria improves the product to make sure it does.